Outings Policy

Policy statement: Outings

It is my policy to keep children safe on outings whilst in my care.

In order to do this I will ensure that:

The ratio of adults to children on local outings will never be less than 1 to 5 and 1 to 3 for more involved outings. 

I carry out a trial run and full risk assessment of the proposed outing

I obtain written parental permission for children to take part in regular, local outings whilst in my care and specific written permission for a longer or more involved outing

I take essential records and equipment for each child on outings as necessary, including contact telephone numbers for parents, a first-aid kit and a mobile telephone

I keep records for parental inspection of any vehicles in which children are transported, including insurance details and a list of named drivers

I will ensure that any driver transporting children in their own vehicle has adequate insurance cover

I adhere to my lost child procedure and make parents aware of the procedures in that procedure.


Meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage welfare requirements

Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfareThe provider must take necessary steps to safeguard and promote the welfare of children – outings.

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